Human Body & Medical Technology
- back to the time of human dissection
- anatomical drawing
- 3d scans of human body
- how does perception of body shift with the rise of genetics, digital body, xrays, catscans
- dissections and preservations of the body (mummification) --> ancient egyptians, greeks
- andreas visaleus --> "on the human anatomy" (1543)
- first time that treatment of disease was rooted in accurate representation of the physical body
- henry gray's anatomy (1853)
- Prof. Gunther von Hagens -- Body Worlds --> traveling exhibition of human bodies and body parts using plastination (preservation via polymers)
- Visible human project -- cross-sections of the human body to visualize internal anatomy
Human Genome Project
- project goal to indentify all the 20-25k genes in human DNA, determine sequences of 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up DNA
- microbiology now looking at the entire network within the human body, not just isolated componenet
- medicine used to be considered an art, and using technology (microscopes, etc.) were considered cheating the art
- X-RAYS, MRI - magnetic resonance imaging, CAT SCAN --> non-invasive, looking into the human body without cutting it open
Plastic Surgery
- culture and society, what artist are doing in a performative manner
now a new innovation, has been used for thousands of years (skin grafts in ancient india)
- plastic in plastic surgery does not mean artificial, it is derived from the word "mold/form"
- war is a driver of technology --> prosthetic arm, driven by empathy and humanity
- definition of beauty, body performance art
- what does it mean to be beautiful, to age, how much are you in control of how you look?
- 9 cosmetic surgeries, each with a theme that she developes
- while being operated on, she reads philosophical works
- objective: to embody visions of beauty created by renowned painters throughout history via replication of facial features (boucher's europa (lips), bottticelli's venus (nose), mona lisa (forehead), DIANA (eyes)
- what triggered the culture of plastic srugery?
Eduardo Kats
- microchip implanted into leg
- registered himself as an animal and as the owner of his animal
- performed surgery himself
- using the body as a medium of art
- professor warwick also inserted a chip into his body, emitted a special signal that allowed him to operate RIFD chips and could be tracked and would automatically open doors in is surrounding environment
Diane Gromala
- virtual reality goggles helping to relieve pain
- new computerized biofeedback therapies that help patients track, realize their pain
- give patients a way to gain control over suffering
- artist that uses her own body to try and create solutions
- nip/tuck
- chris cunningham's all is full of love
- cyborgs passionately embracing
- communication through a device - stephen hawking
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